
The “Fighting Bait” Dog Who Had Lost Half Her Face Has Become Unrecognizable After Finding A Loving Home

One-eyed ‘pirate dog’ Haddie was rescued from illegal dog fighting and has now overcome her fear of canines with the help and love of her new adoptive owner, Erin Williams, 36, from Washington D.C.

A dog who lost half her face being “used as bait” in dog fighting has learned the meaning of true love after being adopted.

“Pirate dog” Haddie is unrecognisable after being relentlessly attacked by fighting dogs in an illegal operation.

The skin on her face was “rotting” and falling off, so much of it had to be removed, leaving her with just one eye.

Her unique appearance attracted Erin Williams, 36, and now the pair live safely and happily together in Washington D.C.

Brave Haddie has impressively overcome her fear of other canines and loves nothing more than playing with the pack in her local park.

“She’s become a real dog’s dog, which warms my heart,” Erin told The Mirror.

Erin showed Haddie what it means to be loved ( Image: Erin Williams)

She lost half her face being used as bait ( Image: Erin Williams)

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Erin found Haddie on an online pet website,, in August 2020 – and couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Haddie was rescued from a dog fighting operation by a good Samaritan and taken to Mutt Scouts in South California.

The two-year-old pup has injuries all over her body, but the worst of it was on her face.

A doctor pinned her injuries and temperament down to her being used as a “bait dog”.

“We don’t know much about her exact experience in that world, but it would likely have involved the dog fighters forcing their ‘fighting dogs’ to attack her relentlessly to ‘train’,” Erin explained.

“All the dogs in these situations are victims.”

Haddie is known as the ‘pirate dog’ on Instagram and TikTok ( Image: Erin Williams)

After Mutt Scouts matched Erin and Haddie together, the pair became inseparable and transformed each other’s lives.

Erin didn’t know Haddie’s original 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 date, so she decided to make up her own – and chose Dolly Parton’s 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡day on January 19.

Erin described Haddie as “sweet and goofy” at the start, but said she was utterly terrified of other dogs.

Hearing a dog’s bark or spotting another canine was enough to make her body uncontrollably shake.

To help Haddie overcome her deep-rooted fears, Erin enlisted a dog trainer.

“We would feed her hot dogs and introduce her to a dog across the park, then get a little closer and closer, until finally she associated dogs with safety and treats,” she explained.

“I think her personality made it possible in the end. She is incredibly smart and resilient, which I know helped the process.”

The sweet girl is just like any other dog inside ( Image: Erin Williams)

Haddie now loves running around with other dogs in her local park, and does a “funny little hop” when she’s excited to go outside.

“She is a social butterfly. She loves people and expects everyone to give her ear scratches,” Erin said.

Whenever Haddie leaves the house, she has to wear medicated sunscreen on her snout and scars – but aside from that, she’s just like any other dog, albeit a little different looking.

Naturally, the unique pup gets some stares and questions from strangers, but luckily Erin says comments aren’t as bad as she initially worried.

“Most people react very kindly and friendly. Her joy for life is so obvious that it would be hard not to be,” Erin explained.

Haddie has taught Erin to appreciate the little things in life ( Image: Erin Williams)

Her infectious personality makes strangers smile ( Image: Erin Williams)

“We get the occasional rude comment or uneasy look, but they’re thankfully few and far between.

“And those people don’t get to know her, so it’s their loss.”

The one-of-a-kind dog has also transformed Erin’s life and helped her cope with depression.

“Haddie is always there to remind me it’s time to get out of the house for a walk, and she’s always up for a free afternoon of napping,” Erin said.

Erin has created Instagram and TikTok accounts for Haddie, and says her followers have shown her just how “unbelievably kind the world can be”.

“The people I connect with there are supportive and thoughtful, and I’m so grateful,” Erin said.

Haddie reminds her owner to enjoy the little things in life, like a nap, a treat and a comfy place to sit in the sun.

“Just being safe and loved is enough to be happy,” Erin explained.


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